Thursday, 22 June 2017

Dear Families,

I can’t believe this is my second last BLOG POST of the school year!!  I have thoroughly enjoyed communicating our news and learning with you all (my students’ families).  I thank you for being a regular follower and supporting your child’s learning (E.g., by asking them questions about their week) and reading my thoughts J  It has been a true pleasure writing these posts each week as I get to reflect upon all the neat things we're doing as a class, this brings me immense joy too!  

We had another jam-packed fun week of exploring, learning, and sharing!  You'll see with the abundance of photos I was able to capture :) Take a moment to find your child's lovely smile, they're precious, aren't they?!  Absolutely!  Enjoy your weekend ... may it be sunny and bright!

Blue Mountain Field Trip:
This week the primary and junior classes had the privilege of going to the Blue Mountain Village to participate in some adventurous fun!  In the morning, our class enjoyed a guided bike tour and then the low ropes.  Many students stepped out of their comfort zones facing their fears of heights and riding a mountain bike up and down some hills.  I am so proud of how each student managed themselves through their challenges and persevered!  The day ended with us at the spectacular Plunge splashing, diving, and swimming.  I was impressed with how many awesome swimmers we have at Nottawa!  I must be honest, I’m not a strong swimmer, in fact, I can’t really.  But, it is a life skill and one that we should all be comfortable with.  It’s never too late to learn, perhaps this summer as I live right by the water!!  Check out some of the sweet diving pictures I was able to get!

A huge thank you goes out to Mrs. Shaw for organizing the trip for us!  Also, I would like to extend many thanks to our lovely parent volunteers who took time out of their busy schedules to be with us to lend a hand when it was needed.  I know how much the boys and girls appreciated this as did the teachers.  Without you, we could not have had as successful of a day as we did.  Thank you, thank you!!

Poetry Cafe:
Thank you families and friends for attending our Poetry Cafe!  What an amazing turn out it was! The students thoughtfully prepared for this day of sharing and it meant the world to them having you there to honour and celebrate their learning and love of Poetry!  I am very proud of their efforts, and I ensured I took some time during the Cafe to be present and rejoice in my students' accomplishments. My heart soared for them!!  Check out the great family pics below!


Parents, thank you for your generous contributions of preparing a healthy fruit or vegetable for us all to enjoy at the conclusion of our performance.  It was delicious!  I hope you had an opportunity to listen to your child's poems they created in their portfolio, they are outstanding!!  Thank you boys and girls for sharing your 'Voice,' it was powerfully heard :)

Character Education & Spirit Assembly:
On Thursday, we celebrated June's character trait of the month – Responsibility!  Congratulations to Riley and Graydon for striving to demonstrate this more consistently in your behaviour and school work.  Keep doing your best over the summer months to be responsible for your belongings, schedule, and helping out around the house.  I’m sure your parents would appreciate this!  You’re hard workers, so I know you can do it!

Thank you to ALL the students and staff members for participating in our final spirit day to honour and celebrate our GREAT COUNTRY CANADA on its soon to be 150th birthday!!  It was wonderful to see all the red and white colours to represent our land.  We are truly the luckiest people on the planet to live in the best country which is safe, strong, and free!

Cloth Bag:
Please have your child bring a cloth bag (the ones you may use for grocery shopping) to school on Tuesday June 27th in preparation for our end of school clean up.  We will be using these bags to put all items belonging to your child from school to bring home for the summer E.g., pencil cases, class work, books, indoor shoes and any other miscellaneous items that belong to your child.  This will greatly help in organization and clean up.  Thank you!

  • June 28th Report Cards Home
  • June 28th Grade 8 Graduation
  • June 29th Talent Show & Last Day of Classes for Students
  • June 30th PA Day for Teachers

Growth Mindset:
“Do the right thing even when it’s hard.” -Isla

Miss Gill

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