It's the last day of March, already?! Wowza! We're soon into April and the snow seems to keep drizzling down! Keep warm and cozy! I hope you enjoy a weekend of fun and relaxation with your family.
Rocking OUR Socks for Downs Syndrome Awareness:
We are all unique and wonderful JUST THE WAY WE ARE. Each one of us has been given life and we must celebrate our differences and embrace them because it is what makes you, YOU!! Mrs. Shaw's and Mrs. McTaggart's classes led our Integrity assembly this afternoon and this message resonated and energized the hearts and minds of everyone. Thank you for reminding us to be our unique, creative, and jovial selves!
Character Recognition Assembly:
Today, we
recognized March's character trait of Integrity - “We can always be trusted even when NO ONE IS
shared with my students how I feel this trait encompasses all our character
traits that we have focused on thus far. I believe if a person
demonstrates integrity they also possess respect,
caring, cooperation, inclusiveness, empathy, and responsibility. I
am comforted in knowing that WE at Nottawa are truly surrounded with many
students who consistently model integrity in their actions.
Congratulations to Wesley!
You are being recognized for ALWAYS displaying Integrity in
your thoughts, words, and actions. I am so very proud of you! Continue
to be your best self in all that you do!
Next month’s
(April) character trait focuses on OPTIMISIM–
“We believe we can DO IT. We never give up.” From very
early on in our school year, I have encouraged my students to always put in
their level four personal best in all their academic, social, and behavioural
experiences. I am never looking for “perfect” only your child’s best
efforts. I am delighted to share that most students do their BEST to
use my constructive feedback to improve their achievements!
Multiplication & Division:
Over the next two weeks, our focus in math will be on multiplication and division. Students will be taught a variety of strategies to solve word problems involving these operations. Strategies include using arrays, groups of, repeated addition, and even memorization of facts. Ask your child about these and which strategy works best for them! I will be providing extra practice questions on each students' Mathletics account as well, so please have them complete these over the weekends.
Below are some pictures students working together to share the strategies they used to solve multiplication problems this week.
Below are some pictures students working together to share the strategies they used to solve multiplication problems this week.
Mr. Morin has provided duo-tangs with music pieces that he would like students to utilize at home and practice in preparation for upcoming lessons which fall on every Day 5 11:20 - 12:10 pm. Thank you for supporting your child's learning in the Arts!
Elephant Thoughts:
Just a reminder that this after school science program runs from 3:30 - 4:30 pm on Thursdays from March 30th - April 27, 2017. Students who are involved, please mark these dates in your calendar :-)
Grade 3 Swimming:
A reminder that the Grade 3's will be starting their swimming program this week! Please ensure your child has the proper swim gear with them. They will be going with Mrs. O's class in the afternoon and back to school in time for dismissal. The dates for swimming will be April 5th, 12th, 19th, and the 26th. I will be sure to remind the 3's, but mark these dates down please as we would like to avoid parents having to leave work or a commitment to bring their child's swimming stuff. Thank you :)
Grade 3 Swimming:
A reminder that the Grade 3's will be starting their swimming program this week! Please ensure your child has the proper swim gear with them. They will be going with Mrs. O's class in the afternoon and back to school in time for dismissal. The dates for swimming will be April 5th, 12th, 19th, and the 26th. I will be sure to remind the 3's, but mark these dates down please as we would like to avoid parents having to leave work or a commitment to bring their child's swimming stuff. Thank you :)
Art in the Library:
I went to the library on Wed. evening to check out all the students' art and I was in awe of so many creative creations! It was a vision! What a fantastic experience for children to be involved in and I'm very grateful our class was too!
I went to the library on Wed. evening to check out all the students' art and I was in awe of so many creative creations! It was a vision! What a fantastic experience for children to be involved in and I'm very grateful our class was too!
Growth Mindset:
"Setting goals is your first step to turning your dreams into reality!" - Jack
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