Thursday, 9 February 2017

Dear Families,

What an icy week we've had!  How many snow/ice days have we had so far?!  I'm happy that bus companies take the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of ALL SCDSB students.  I hope everyone stayed safe on the roads and asphalt.  It is very easy to slip and fall, so please take care.  We are fortunate that our custodians to their best to ensure that our portable steps and surrounding areas are well salted to help prevent a fall.  Enjoy your weekend!

Artist Visit:
Thank you AGAIN Ms. Stewart for your excellent art visit and lesson with my students.  They are so thrilled to have you, and you have provided us all with your knowledge, expertise, and passion for the arts.  You are an inspiration to us!  We appreciate all of the time you took to organize materials and ideas for us to use.  We look forward to seeing you next week for the finishing touches - YAHOO!!

Custodian Appreciation Day:
On Wednesday, it was Custodian Appreciation Day!  It was a snow day so we didn't get to properly acknowledge this celebration, but I wanted to take the time to at least recognize them on here.  We are very lucky to have two very hard working custodians who take the time to ensure our school is clean every day.  I have shared with my students from the very beginning that custodian appreciation day is not one day, it is every day!  In our class, we ensure that we do our part by cleaning up after ourselves and always respecting their efforts.  Mr. Coutts and Mrs. Engel do their best to go above and beyond not only in their line of work, but their interactions and connections with our students is wonderful as well.  Thank you for all that you do, you make our school community a bright and shining ONE!

Grade 4 Social Studies Project:
The Grade 4's have been working hard on learning about Canada's provinces, territories, and the Great Lakes.  They are really enjoying this!  Now each student has chosen a province or territory of choice and is investigating and researching information about it. They are accessing online sources as well as non-fiction text to gather their information. Some students have really taken initiative and are working on this project at home too and recording their findings into their google drive accounts, way to go Tate, Lola, and Jack!  I will be giving lots of class time on this, but it is encouraged to also work on it at home over the weekends.  Thank you for your continued support!

Please note: Grade 3's are working on a Pioneer project with Mrs. O so they too are working on building their inquiry and research skills :)

GoNoodle Home Connection:
On Wed. I sent home a note about connecting the GoNoodle program at home so your child can enjoy it not just at school, but also with family!  Here is a handy link to access the site and connect to our class:

Usually twice a week, students access their mathletics account in class to work on math problems for extra practice on concepts I'm teaching.  It is a very useful tool to help build their confidence in math as well.  Just a friendly reminder to please have your child access the site over the weekends to complete the course work that I've assigned.  We are very lucky that our school has paid for this meaningful program!  To the students and families who regularly utilize this program, I know who you are and I appreciate it!  It is making a difference :)

Field Trip Reminders:
Next week, we have two different field trips to attend!  YAHOO :)  The Grade 3's will be going to the Bowling Alley on Tues. and the Grade 4's will be going to Highlands Nordic on Wed., YAY!  I remember as a child how excited I used to get for field trips, and I know my students share in my enthusiasm!  It's a great opportunity to engage in FUN new learning outside of school with other peers from different classes.  Parents, thank you for your online payments.  I know it can get expensive with everything you provide for your child.  Please know, I really appreciate your support in providing this experience for them!

Valentine's Day:
Valentines Day is on Tues. and if your child wishes to participate by making a card for his or her peers.  Below I've included our class names, I also sent home a class list with your child yesterday in their agenda.  Hope this is helpful in ensuring everyone is included:)

Riley, Graydon, Lola, Pierce, Kevin, Jakob, Isla, Wesley, Tate, Nathan, Alexis, Hannah N., Brock, Katelyn, Marissa, Jack, Tristan, Hannah W., and Hunter.

Growth Mindset:
Students are now eager to share their own growth mindset quotes with me which is fantastic and warms my heart!  On Fri. afternoon, Isla enthusiastically said, "Miss Gill I have something for our growth mindset, may I share it?"  My reaction was, "Of course Isla, I'd LOVE this!!"  If your child has a quote that he or she would like to share, don't hesitate to have them write it down and we can then post it in our classroom for everyone to benefit from!  I think you all can sense by now, I'm a huge fan of inspirational sayings ...yes, they are words, but if we can put these positive words in our actions we can make this planet even brighter than it already is!

"Try your best!  Don't give up!" -Isla
Miss Gill

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