In anticipation of Halloween on Monday, students are feeling very excited and enthusiastic! I'm already hearing about the unique costumes your child will be wearing! If you would like to send me a picture of your child in his/her costume, please do so via my e-mail: and I can include it in next week's post!
Healthy Kids Community Challenge:
As shared in last week's post, we celebrated "Bring Your Water to School Day" on Tuesday. All students actively participated and the ones who may not have had a water bottle were provided with one from Mr. Comish in our office. Check us out!
Every Day 5, I spend period 5 teaching Health. Since our community challenge fell on this day, our learning focus was on the importance of drinking water. Below I have shared the Ted Talk video that we watched.
Students were then challenged to create a poster to try to persuade their audience to drink water everyday! We have an excellent start on these and will continue to work on them. Here's a sneak peak of some well on their way :)
Tumble Books Online Reading:
It is important to read everyday! To help encourage this, I would like to share with families our Tumblebook Premium and Tumblebook Cloud 2016-2017 Subscription Login Info. These are excellent resources to our children reading materials which are highly engaging such as graphic novels, old classics, non-fiction, etc.! Visit the site over the weekend to get familiar. Enjoy reading everyday, boys and girls!
User Name: scdsb123
Password: reads
User Name: scdsb123
Password: reads
User Name: scdsb2jr
Password: reads
Math Game:
In math, I will be teaching numerous math games throughout the year for students to enjoy! When you're engaged and having fun, you don't even realize you're doing 'math work' yet YOU ARE and you're building your skills in an effective and joyous manner! We will incorporate and play these games during our balanced math workstations. Students were over the moon excited and partook in this experience with such enthusiasm! The class was buzzing mathematically :)
Ask your child how to play "Race to the Top." If they would like a copy of this game, please send me a note in the agenda and I'd be happy to make a copy for at home play! I think you'll feel the excitement in the photos below that I've shared!!
Halloween Dance:
Thank you to all the families who donated a toonie to help support the Autism Foundation. You have and are continuing to make a difference, it is appreciated!! Our class raised $30.00. WOWIE!
During 2nd period today, the grade 3's had the opportunity to participate in Mrs. Kitchener's Halloween Blowup party in the gym. This was my first experience with this spectacular experience. I was in awe of the set up, decorations, spirit, and hard work that was put into this. A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Kitchener, staff who were involved, and the school spirit squad kids in helping make this event spooooooktacular! Here are some pictures I snapped of our 3's.
During period 5, 6, I took the grade 4's to the gym to participate in the school Halloween Dance. Now, because we are a split class, of course I had the grade 3's join too :) Being inclusive is oh so important and I want to instill this trait in my students, always. It was great to see and groove alongside all students in grades 3-5!!
Class Halloween Celebration:
Our class Halloween celebration will take place on Monday. We will have our classroom celebration during period 5 (1:40-2:30pm) when we can share some healthy treats together and talk about the much anticipated evening of trick or treating! Please note that we are encouraging that the treats be a healthy option for students, for example, fruit, veggies, crackers and cheese, etc ...
Spirit Day & Character Recognition Assembly:
Friendly reminder about our Spirit Day and Assembly on Monday. Please have your child dress in Halloween colours such as ORANGE, BLACK, and PURPLE to show school SPIRIT! Our assembly will take place during period 3 at 11:20-12:10pm. I have invited the parents whose child is receiving an award. We are honouring and recognizing all students from K-8 for their Cooperation award. I'll be sure to reveal our recipients in next week's post, stay tuned :)
Growth Mindset Quote:
"Be the BEST YOU."
Thank you Pierce for sharing this with our class family. We will put these into our thoughts, words, and actions!!
Miss Gill
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