Friday, 27 January 2017

Dear Families,

Yesterday, we had a school spirit day - sports jersey day!  All staff and students participated with enthusiasm and school pride. The energy in our gymnasium radiated positively and with JOY!  We truly are gifted with such amazing students, staff, and families!  Thank you for demonstrating school spirit everyone, I loved seeing all the different jersey's staff and students were sporting! Check out our class below :)

Can you believe that we’re entering our last week of January next week, wowza!  Time sure flies when you’re having a blast!  Your child truly brings me such joy and happiness daily!  We all continue to think, learn, and grow with each other – an uplifting feeling! 

On Wednesday, our school held the Annual Speeches Competition in the gym.  Students from Gr. 4-8 delivered their speeches to our staff, students, and honourary judges.  I am so proud of Tate and Brock for representing our class; they both did an outstanding job!  You both should be so proud of your achievement as it takes a lot of courage and poise to stand up in front of a large group of people and share a speech.  

Despite my many opportunities to public speak, I still get the jitters and have to compose myself before I have to speak in front of large audiences such as in our assemblies.  I was thinking of you both as you patiently waited for your turn to speak and was sending all my positive energy your way and you did it!!!  I believe this will be a memorable experience for you both and help build upon your growing confidence in public speaking.  Well done!

I am also so proud of our other speakers who delivered their speeches to their peers in our cozy portable.  You too should be proud of your efforts!  Always reach for the stars, and try your best in everything you do!

Character Recognition Assembly:
Yesterday, we honoured and celebrated January’s Character Trait of Honesty as a school family.  Congratulations to Isla and Brock for being recognized for displaying this trait.  Please continue being your truthful selves in and out of the classroom, your actions are making a difference in our school.  I know that your peers admire this quality about you!

February's character trait is INCLUSIVENESS – “We invite everyone to play, we never turn anyone away.”  We are fortunate to be in a school culture that is sensitive to the needs of others – staff and students work together to ensure that we foster a community that is safe, strong, and free.  This being said, as your child’s teacher, I will continue to explicitly model, guide, reinforce, and support inclusion so all my students feel a sense of belonging.

Help Needed:
With the January thaw that we've been experiencing, the surrounding area by our portable is extremely muddy.  We are requesting that students please remain out of these mucky areas for two reasons. First, all this mud comes into the portable upon entry and creates hazardous conditions for walking as it is wet and muddy.  In addition, I would like to help our custodians out by keeping our floors as muddy free as possible. They have asked me to encourage students to try to stay out of the mud to keep our portables clean and sanitary.  Secondly, entering the mud causes students to have wet feet and this sensation is not pleasant.  As a result, some students then request a call home when parents can't always come to school to provide new boots and dry socks.  Providing extra socks would also be beneficial.

If you could please speak with your child about this and help support our school endeavour, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much :)

This week, I introduced the concept of telling time.  The Grade 3 expectation is to tell time to 5 minutes and to represent time in 2 ways. For example, 4:05 can be said as 5 minutes after 4 or 55 minutes before 5.  The Grade 4 expectation is to tell time to the minute and to understand elapsed time (the passage of time).

Supporting your child at home in telling time in real-life situations would be beneficial.  For example, asking about special times in your day such as dinner time, bedtime, when gymnastics or hockey is, etc .. "What time do we eat dinner?"  If it is 6:35pm, and we eat at 7:00pm, how many minutes until dinner?"  The more exposure to and practice with reading time and thinking about the passage of time will help build this skill.  I have provided course work on Mathletics for students to further practice this skill, please have them visit their account over the weekends. They love it!

Visit from Mia:
On Tues. we had an unexpected but welcomed visit from Mia!!  There was a knock on the door around 3pm during our DPA time, and I was delighted to see my former student.  I asked her to come in quietly and join us for our exercising.  She did, and slowly but surely, students noticed she was back in our class and their faces lit up with sheer delight!  Their expressions were priceless!  I overheard Wesley ask his peer, "Huh, Mia's here?"  It was cute!  We all got together to have a picture taken to capture this beautiful moment.  Even though Mia isn't physically part of our class anymore, she will always be part of our hearts and class family :)

Lovely seeing you again, Mia!
Thank you for the wonderful gift when you visited Jamaica with your family.  I am touched that you thought of me while you were away and purchased these sweet magnets.  They'll serve well in our class representing the helper of the day!  Your kindness is cherished, Jack.  Thanks again :)

Growth Mindset:
“Kindness is like snow; it beautifies everything it covers.”

Miss Gill

Friday, 20 January 2017

Dear Families,

I hope everyone remained safe with the icy road conditions we had earlier this week and had a wonderful time with loved ones finding ways to enjoy the fresh air all bundled up cozily.  One of these days, I’m hoping to go back to Nordic Highlands in Duntroon to go cross-country skiing.  I’ve gone in my past and thoroughly enjoy this activity!  When I taught grade 4 in New Lowell a few years back, I took my class there to learn this sport. It provides a challenge, amazing exercise and enjoyment in the great outdoors.  I love it!  I am excited to share with you that the grade 4’s will have this opportunity coming up in February.  Stay tuned for permission forms with dates!  Don’t worry grade 3’s, we have something special lined up for you too in February!  I am optimistic, the 3’s will get this trip opportunity next year when they’re in the junior division :) 

Snow Days:
Here is an interesting and informative read that I wanted to share in case you were wondering about what the process looks like and sounds like for calling a snow day.  Check it out :)

Speech Presentations:
Despite having two snow days, the moments we are at school, we certainly get back in the swing of things with our learning. There were many instances that I saw your child quietly working at their desk practicing their ‘speech.’ I am just so proud of their efforts for putting in their Level 4 personal best! Similarly to last week's post, I would like to again take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to all the families who assisted their child in preparing for their first speech experience, it certainly is paying off!  This was very evident as we listened to 10 students present their speeches wonderfully yesterday!

When your child was not presenting, he/she was responsible for providing ‘feedback’ to his/her peers to help their peers' achievement. The students are becoming very aware of acknowledging ‘stars’ (things done well) and goal-setting ‘arrows’ (next steps to improve upon). We will be wrapping up our speeches next week, and I will provide my ‘feedback’ the following week.  Good luck to the remaining presenters!  This has been a great experience for everyone!

Jack's speech about his trip to Jamaica 
Marissa's speech about The Great White Shark
Graydon's speech about Dirt Biking
Hunter's speech about the GREAT ONE - Wayne Gretzky
Alexis' speech about her family trip to South Carolina
Kevin's speech about his dog Piper
Wesley's speech about Luxury Cars & Nathan's speech about Advertising
Brock's speech about Magladon Sharks
Magic of Children in the Arts:

Magic of Children in the Arts is providing a FREE art workshop at the Collingwood Public Library. PICK YOUR DATE!
  • Sat. Jan. 21st 
  • Sat. Jan. 28th 
  • Sat. Feb. 4th
  • Sat. Feb. 11th
  • TIME: 1pm-3pm
Call the library front desk 705.445.1571 to register.  Open to ages 4-13 years old.
Below is a useful link to check out for more details about the arts at the library!!

Artist Visit:
I am pleased to announce that we will be having another special guest artist visit in our classroom at the end of January and in February to provide a lesson for students in support of the Magic of Children in the Arts.

I have known this artist and retired teacher for many years.  In fact, she was my librarian when I was a student at Connaught.  Her name is Sharon Stewart, and she is a very kind hearted, passionate, and creative artist and educator.  Ms. Stewart will be visiting our classroom on Jan. 31st and Feb. 7th.  I know the students will learn a lot and ignite their artistic skills!

Honesty Assembly:
Just a reminder that our next character recognition assembly will be taking place on Thurs. Jan. 26th during period 3 beginning at 11:20 - 12:10pm.  All families are welcome to attend.  It'll be a fun one as it's a spirit day as well.  Students are asked to dress in their favourite Sport's Jersey!! I'm a huge sports fan, so I can't wait to wear mine!

Farewell Tom:
Yesterday was Australian Tom's last day with us at Nottawa Elementary.  Tom was a very well-liked and admired young boy.  He is a kind, respectful, and caring student and peer whom will be missed greatly from all staff and students who got to know him.  I would like to personally thank Tom for willingly coming in for our gym classes to teach us the fundamental skills in cricket. Thank you so much for offering your time and expertise with us.  We wish you safe travels today as you journey back to your beautiful homeland, a country/continent I hope to visit one day!  All the best in your future endeavours.  We will fondly keep our memories with you sealed in our hearts!

Tom's best friends Tate, Wesley, Brock, Graydon!!
 Growth Mindset:
The purpose of human life is to serve, to show compassion, and the will to help others.”

Miss Gill

Friday, 13 January 2017

Dear Families,

It is with an open heart that I wish you all a Happy New Year!!  It was an absolute highlight for me seeing your child's bright, enthusiastic, and warm smile on Monday!  I am delighted to be reunited to continue our journey of learning and growing :) I do hope you are able to access our blog weekly as I will continue to provide detailed evidence of what your child is doing at school so that you too can help reinforce these concepts at home.  Together we CAN and WILL make a DIFFERENCE!

January’s Character Trait:
This month’s character trait is HONESTY – “We will always tell the truth.”  I have encouraged my students to always tell me the truth if they're experiencing any difficulty. Being dishonest only makes a problem / concern escalate and get bigger.  I look forward to reinforcing honesty is the best policy throughout this month through books, media presentations, and student action!  I am delighted to say, our class is filled with trustworthy students, how blessed we all are :)

Math Learning:
On Monday, I introduced our new unit in mathematics which will focus on “Linear Measurement.”  I hope you were able to read over the 'math note' I sent home with your child on Thurs. :) In it there are suggested activities you can do with them to help reinforce concepts taught at school.  Here are two photos of the girls in measuring action!

Speech Writing Tips:
I would like to acknowledge and thank all those students (also many thanks to the parents for ALL your support too) who have actively been brainstorming, researching, and drafting their speeches thus far.  Many of you shared with me that you used valuable time over your Break to work on this writing task.  I am so proud of you and can't wait until your presentations!  To help further, below I have tips to guide students for their speech.  I will have these tips posted in our classroom too :)

KNOW - Know your audience and be sure to pick a topic that members are likely to enjoy.  Make sure word choices are appropriate for your audience. 

BE REAL - Write about things you know.  If you choose a topic you are interested in, chances are your enthusiasm will spill over into your speech.

BRAINSTORM - Carry a rough paper to write on with you at all times.  You never know when ideas, phrases or thoughts for your speech will come to you.  Be prepared to write them down so you won't forget them.

ORGANIZE - Every speech should have a strong introduction, body and conclusion.  Organize your ideas, data and scraps of paper into clear and logical sections.  Anything that doesn't fit into a few major points should be discarded.

REVISE - Chances are the first written draft of your speech won't be perfect.  Read over your speech to revise and edit for content, word choice and timing.

AUDIO EDIT - Read your speech aloud and hear it as the audience will hear it.  Replace any unclear words or phrases with more effective ones.

THINK - Think of an attention getting, sparkling introduction and an impact-making, memorable conclusion to your speech.

KNOW - Practice and time your speech in front of friends, relatives and the mirror.  People tend to speak more quickly when they are nervous so keep this in mind when timing your speech at home.

Speech Presentations:
Your child has signed up for his or her speech presentation day.  I will share the presentation dates below for your reference in a chart so you can help prepare your child too.  While your child is presenting, please note, his or her peers will be using a success criteria (see picture) to grade each presenter.  The top two Grade 4 students with the highest scores will be selected to present their speech in the gym on Jan. 25th.

The Grade 3's will have the opportunity to experience sharing their speech solely in class, but then next year, they have the opportunity to advance.  This is a building and growing year for them. Please know, Grade 3's will be welcome to watch the speeches in the  gym on the 25th to learn from their older peers.  Thank you in advance for your care and understanding in this.

Speech Presentations 2017

Wed. Jan. 18
Thurs. Jan. 19
Mon. Jan. 23
Tues. Jan. 24
Thurs. Feb. 2
Hannah N.



Hannah W.



Social Studies:
This week, the Grade 4 students began their unit on Canada's Provinces and Territories.  On Monday, we talked about and learned the continents in the world, and I challenged the students to find out and name all of them.  Today Tate, Kevin, and Graydon excitedly shared the one they were missing - Antarctica!!  Way to go, guys!

In today's social studies lesson, I introduced an interactive game which the students played with a chosen peer.  They were so excited!!  Please ask your child about this experience and if they can name some of our provinces and territories.

I've also shared the link below if your child would like to play it over the weekend.  I also did a mini-lesson about the Great Lakes.  Ask your child if they can name them using the helpful acronym H-O-M-E-S (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior).

Growth Mindset Quote:
"Be the BEST you can be."

Thank you Tate and family for this wonderful gift!  You know me too well :)  I adore inspirational quotes and teaching my students to BE THE BEST THEY CAN BE in their thoughts, words, and actions!  I will cherish this gift and post it in ALL my future classrooms.  It means a lot to me!!  

Miss Gill